This Christmas book focusses on exploring celebrations in three different countries to capture the diversity of Christmas around the world. Join Cinnamon, the quirky reindeer, on an adventurous around...
The appearance of a slim crescent marks the start of a new lunar month. It is tradition among many cultures around the world, for families and friends to step out and try to spot the new moon in the s...
The appearance of a slim crescent marks the start of a new lunar month. It is tradition among many cultures around the world, for families and friends to step out and try to spot the new moon in the s...
Bravery, kindness and accepting people who are different to us - these are invaluable values for every child (and grown-up) to learn. Let your child live these values, and be a true hero through this...
Be a Superhero and save the UAE.
Join The Heroes, Noora and Hamdan, on an epic adventure.
Travel around the UAE. Travel back in time, to meet the wise and loving Jeddoh, and experience how the UA...
Imagine if birthday wishes came true! Whatever you wished for on your special day, came true instantly… This is what happens in this special birthday book. Birthday wishes come true for the birthday c...